A man makes the decision to marry a woman after he has seen some things that finally makes him take the decision, while on the other hand, some women just want to build a home immediately. From our lengthy discussion we came up with different points to help ladies put themselves in the position that will make oga pop the question. This thing is not film trick, a lady has to position herself properly for her man to do this, "he loves me, "I'm ready for marriage" "i am of age" "i am intelligent" "i am sexy"...bla bla bla aren't enough reasons to make him pop the question.
# 1-Trust him – Don’t be scared that he’s going to run off with some other woman, or that he’s lying to you about everything. Your lack of trust can show him you have esteem issues.
# 2-Be there for him, even if he says nothing about the problem – Show you are supportive of him, by BEING there; WITHOUT questioning him on the problem.
# 3-Compliment him- be his number one cheer leader. Always make sure you swell his head with compliments
# 4-Avoid sarcasm- it makes you look like you care less about his feelings.
# 5-Learn his insecurities – It’s not something people walk around talking about, but sometimes a man hints that he is insecure about something, so that you can avoid the topic or avoid hurting him in the future. Play the listener too.

# 7-Accept responsibility in a fight – Every relationship has its moments where they are disagreements and fights.The difference between a healthy relationship that encourages a man to marry you, and an unhealthy marriage that pushes a man away is this: blame. Don't always shift blame to him, take blame sometimes.
# 8-Be calm when he is stressed – When a man is stressed it can be a HUGE problem, because he acts out of character, is unpredictable, may lash out at you, and may withdraw.BUT, instead of blaming him and arguing, just be calm and let the storm pass. He needs to know that you UNDERSTAND him in that area, and doesn’t need a woman who makes it all about “herself” when he has something stressful going on.
# 9-Learn to take a joke…even if its personal.
# 10-Disagree without disappointment – There will be differences, BUT the main issue is how you HANDLE the differences between each other.If you handle disagreements by arguing and becoming disappointed when you don’t take his side, you are showing him that you are emotionally immature. But, if you disagree without feeling disappointed, you show him that you can respect his opinion, even if you don’t think its right for you.
# 11-Ask when you don’t know – If you’re afraid to ask him something, how will he ever feel like he can truly communicate to you? Not only this, but if you never ask him the things you are curious about, you’ll often end up looking for answers on your own, which leads to assumptions. And assumptions will lead to false conclusions which gets any man pissed. Always ask questions.
# 12-Be serious where it’s necessary – There’s nothing more discouraging, or annoying to a man, than a woman who does not take SERIOUS issues seriously.A serious issue is something that he considers to be important, and if you can’t take it seriously, he thinks that you don’t take HIM or yourself seriously.
# 13-Don’t use excuses all the time- Stop giving excuses for the things you know you should be doing. There musn't be an excuse for everything.
#14- Be COMFORTABLE around him – He wants to grab your love handles, and suddenly you are pulling away, asking him if he thinks you’re fat.You also become insecure when he wants to make love to you. Or you just struggle to open up to him. All of these things tell him that you are not comfortable around him, make him feel insecure, and make him QUESTION the point of marrying you. When he takes your hand to lead you in a room, allow him. He is your man, drop pride.
# 15-Show love with ACTION – Sure, you said you love him; but words only get you so far. He wants to see you SHOWING it with your actions.
# 16-Always show him appreciation - even for the slightest changes.
# 17-Encourage him to succeed daily- inspire him and motivate him.
# 18-Make him feel like his advice is the best, even when it isn't.
# 19-Respect him – If he has boundaries, don’t cross them.If he values privacy in certain areas, observe it. If there is something you dislike about him, don’t go complaining to your family and girlfriends about it, behind his back. There are many examples, but the main point is that you RESPECT him, so that he can feel valued, appreciated, and upheld.
# 21-Understand your emotions - So many women have proven to men that even they don't understand their emotions sometimes, even when they think they do, men see it differently.
# 22-Challenge him -He wants someone who can challenge him in all kinds of ways, such as challenging him to change or be better, challenging him to keep your interest etc… This keeps him glued to you, instead of having him interested in other women.
# 23-Surprise him -The element of surprise in a relationship keeps him interested and gives him a reason to stick around for the long run, because it shows that you still have lots left to offer that he doesn’t even know about.
# 24-Make him laugh- As the saying goes “laughter is the best medicine” and it most definitely is an attractive trait for a “wife. Intentionally do this. Let him see effort.
# 25-Be romantic : if you don't know how to be, please learn this. When last did you do anything romantic for or to him?
# 26-Place importance above yourself where necessary – Relationships are about TWO people, not one…which is why it can’t always be about you.
# 27-Know your role: remember a woman comes to a man as a helper, take different roles at different times, the role of his mother who cares for him no matter what, on other days you can be his best friend,his ride or die chick, or his lover, the one who makes him smile and who takes care of his emotions.
# 28-Dont get abusive: if you have an argument, argue!!! but don't ever get to use abusive words to stress your feelings.

# 30- Pray for him as often as possible.
Truth is, just be the best that you can be for your man, let him see you as a gift and not a problem. It takes some work though but trust me any woman who decides to put in a good amount of effort, will get good results. You might be at that place mentally but men aren't wired like that. I hope this helps in any little way possible.
And guys watch out for yours, WHAT WILL MAKE HER ACCEPT YOU FINALLY, A WOMAN'S NEEDS......
And guys watch out for yours, WHAT WILL MAKE HER ACCEPT YOU FINALLY, A WOMAN'S NEEDS......
Hmmm so much to take into consideration. Good article.
ReplyDeleteI can proudly say that I practiced all the 30 categories with my bf at d end he still cheated on me, some guys are d reason y must girls can't keep u with d above stated categories.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you dear, some people are just terrible but dat shld never stop you from being a wonderful person.it is their loss anyways. But my dear,like I said just always be the best dat you can be and allow God take care of things. Wish you the best. Your man will come k?
ReplyDeleteabout 30 points all in order for a woman to make a man put a ring on the finger... men think they are the center of any relationship or marriage ...all u said is both ways...for the man n woman
ReplyDeleteHahahaha all these are just pointers dear. I presume you are a lady,don't get me wrong ok? Do the best of all these that you can do,not necessarily all. Like I said, just be the best thing that happens to a man you meet. Ofcus a lot of these points apply for women as well. Just make sure you read the next one coming up. When it comes to relationships, both parties must be the centre of attraction. Thanks for your comment though.
ReplyDeleteAbout 30 points dedicated to the ladies on what will make him pop the question. lets turn it around, do a post on what will make her say YES...
ReplyDeleteSarah that has already been done. Thank you.