1- We are living in a generation where people "in love" are free to touch each others private parts but cannot touch each others phones because they are private - Robert Mugabe (2016)
2- If you can shave your eye brows completely and draw them back with an eye pencil, don't ask for money to make your hair. You can equally shave your hair bald and draw the weave of your choice
3- Nothing makes a woman more confused than being in a relationship with a broke man who is extremely good in bed.
4- When God gives you beauty without brains, private parts suffer the most
5- If you are ugly, you are ugly!!! Stop walking around and talking about inner beauty, because we don't walk around carrying x-rays.
6- The only white man you can trust is a dead white man
7- Sometimes you look back at girls you spent money on instead of sending it to your mum, and you realize witchcraft is real.
8- In Africa, the only warning they take seriously is "low battery"
9- Its hard to bewitch African girls these days, each time you take a piece of their hair to the witch doctor, either one innocent Brazilian woman runs mad in Brazil or a factory in china catches fire
10- If you are in love with more than one person, then what is inside you is no longer a heart, its a memory card.
11- Africans have no time to rest, even after you die you will still work as an ancestor
12- Even Satan is not gay, he approached naked eve and not naked Adam
13- Some girls have never seen a gym, but they look physically fit because they keep running from man to man.
14- Dear ladies, if your boyfriend doesn't wish you happy mothers day, then stop breast feeding him.
15- Respect pregnant women because it is not easy walking around with evidence that you have had sex
16- If you are a married man who finds himself attracted to school girls, just buy your wife a school uniform.
17- Being dumped by a dark skinned girl is the worst thing ever, because anytime you get home and see charcoal, you become emotional
18- If all the women in the world decide to pause sex until the cure for AIDS is found, men will find the cure in 30 days
19- It is better for a man to be stingy with his money because he hustled for it, than for a woman to deny you a hole that she didn't even drill
20- Racism will never end if people keep using white cloths for weddings and black cloths for burials.
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