Driving down the road to work, a number of children made it impossible to drive freely because a fight had just broken out due to one of them trying to cheat the other. It took me back to our days as kids, a smile broke through my face as images of fun things we did as kids started to pour in. I was privileged to have been born in the ‘80s and to have grown up during the ‘90s. Those days when we had games we loved to play and television programs we loved to watch, songs we loved to sing and stuff we loved to eat. Let me take you down memory lane. Remember how we used to hurriedly finish our homework just so we could sit in front of the TV and see the colored lines show up on the NTA Channel 5 or 10 and then the national anthem follows, soon different cartoons begin to show up, from Voltron (defender of the universe), to Muppet babies, Fraggle Rock, Dodo(the kid from outta space), Bird man, Magic school bus, Top cat, Spot billy, Inspector gadget, Scooby doo, Jumbo, Teddy roxpin, Pingu, Silver hawk, Danger mouse, Super ted e.t.c. And there where those of us who loved to wake up on Saturday mornings to Cadbury breakfast television. Oh!! i remember how we would wake up in pyjamas just to watch theses programs, such as Biker mice from mars(lets rock and ride), Spider man, Different world, Family matters etc.

As time went by, other classy cartoons emerged that took us to another level, cartoons such as lion king 1,2,3, Pocohontas, Aladin, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Little Mermaid, Toy Story, 101 Dalmatians, Hunchback of Notre dam…Though, i got enough scolding for neglecting basic chores and watching
cartoons, still, i do not see it as a bad habit. Infact as far as i’m
concerned, any kid that missed these great cartoons did not have a
fulfilled childhood. Many of us used these cartoons as excuses not to go for evening lessons, on days when this plans did not work, we would go to a friends house or just peep through their windows to get a glimpse. Truth is, these cartoons formed our morals in life, we learnt a few good things from them too.
Playing with each other also formed a huge part of our memories as kids, we had several type of games we played--monkey post, hide and seek, daddy n mummy( this was where many children got spoilt)...lol,i remember i loved to play daddy with my neighbors fair daughter as wife, and there came the moment where we would tell the children to go sleep, and then we would say "its time to produce a child" then we start to *wink* *wink* lol, there was also police and
thief, flying kite, roll tyre, play rubber, after round 1, suwe, ten ten....We had some play songs we also sang like "form a big circle like your mothers cooking pot", there was kpan kpan golo, my name my name my name, who is in the garden, holiday is coming, aluwe ojabo si gutter,
Oh boy!! I am already getting emotional just typing this, gosh!! life was quit simple then.
There where also other fun TV programs and soaps like Doctor who, tele match, Story land, speak out, ripples, checkmate, behind the cloud, Frank Spencer, rentaghost, Chuckle Hounds, Sesame street, Robin hood (i remember the sound track till tomorrow), Santa Barbara, Matlock, Secrets of the sand(Rachael and Ruth), The lady of the rose, Wild rose, Rich also cry etc
We can never complete this without talking about some of the things we ate as kids too--baba dudu, ofio, condess(iced blocked colouring), M$M, GoGo, dankuya, kulikuli, kokoro, eyin alangba etc

I look at these kids today and wonder what the world has turned into, worse of all is other generations might get worse. The computer age they say, i see it as the destruction age sha, now children cannot watch television without seeing half naked women in every song or programme. Well i'm glad i grew up when i did, at least i have fun memories today that i love to remember and talk about with friends. hope i helped you go down memory lane, you can share with me your fond childhood memories too. Here are a few more pictures i came across that will help re freshen your memory.

this is nice.