August 12th 2014 was my birthday and i took time out to reflect on life itself from angles where i would usually not have thought of. Messages started pouring in from the early hours of the morning and by noon i couldn't catch up with all of them. Eyes filled with tears as i looked to the sky from the top of my home, lost in thought of how blessed i am. By the end of the day i couldn't help but be really thankful for the things we naturally overlook.
“Gratitude means to recognize the good in your life, be thankful for whatever you have, some people may not even have one of those things you consider precious to you (love, family, friends etc). Each day give thanks for the gift of life.You are blessed”
― Pablo
Our ignorance plays a huge trick on us, making us not realize how blessed we are than others, how many of us are thankful for our education? to be literate is a gift so many people around the world will do anything to have, how many of us are thankful for that partner you have, have you realized how many people have "lord give me a partner" as a four year prayer point? or for family for being your closest kin in the world, trust me some never knew theirs, for your friends for being your companions in life, for your sense of taste, sight, hearing, touch, smell, for your mistakes- for helping you improve and become a better person, for your enemies- for your helping you uncover your blind spot so you have enough reasons to wake up and get going, for our country Nigeria, though so many issues here and there but yet we still standing, .......i could go on and on...but lastly YOU for being the best that you can be and touching this world with your presence.
A man once had his last meal wrapped in plantain leaves and had decided to hang himself after eating it due to his frustrations in life, standing under a tree to which the ropes had been tied, he ate his last meal, threw the leaves aside and proceeded to hang himself. Minutes later he heard a sound just below him, he looked to see someone just below him eating the leaves he had dropped, he immediately realized his situation is better than someone else' and so decided to do away with the idea of suicide.
Spend some time today and just say thank you for the things in your life that you know are priceless even the most little things, because you are indeed blessed. Remember someone is somewhere hanging on to life by an oxygen machine...appreciate yours today. PEACE.
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