(1) The Pen Borrowers: Every time these ones come into the bank, they never come in with a pen, as in they borrow from every living thing in the bank, from the security guys, the attendants, the cashier, those in line, those out of line, those in the toilet, those at home thinking to come to the bank, the dead....sorry!! mistake....., they borrow pens for a living, these guys are very dangerous, the moment they ask for your pen, say bye to that pen or place a tracking device on them to locate them and retrieve you pen or except the ones the angels re direct their steps back to you.
(2) The "I'm Behind You" people: As soon as they get into the bank, they scout for the last person on any available line, they don't go straight to collecting and filling a slip, they just know one sentence "please i'm behind you". Woe betide you if you have 20 people within this category telling the same line to stay behind you and eventually you forget who is behind who, that is when the confusion starts ....."i was here before you, i told obasanjo i was behind him, ask him..."
(3) The No Protocol Team: This particular sets of people never obey the first come first serve rule o, they behave as if their family owns the bank, they are those ones who are very mouthed in the bank! By the time they step into the bank, they know the names of all the cashiers and they move straight to one of them and sometimes straight to the manager, they are offered a sit and in a few minutes they are done with transactions while you are still standing in line like a mugu.....hmmmm there is chineke!!!
(4) The Bank Door Rejects: This set of people always have issues with the bank door. As soon as they get in, the door quietly says "please exit the cabin", then they start to take off every available metal on their bodies, their keys, belts, phones, piercings, if possible their blood, but yet the voice prompt keeps saying same thing "please exit the cabin", i can almost recall a voice prompt screaming at a customer "will you get out of that cabin"?...we usually advice people in this category to come to the bank naked next time hahaha
(5) The Slip Waters: These ones can waste bank slips for Africa, filling withdrawal slip or deposit slip becomes exam for them, they usually use at least two or more slips before getting to fill one correctly, you will see them canceling, tearing, and squeezing slips just to take another and start afresh, in fact the waste bin in the bank was created for these ones, i am very sure they where the ones in school back then that loved to ask for extra sheets in exam halls and we thought they where the over brilliant ones, meanwhile........ coughs...
(6) The Clueless Set: Nothing pisses me off the most than theses clueless folks, OMG!!!! they never know the date, what branch of bank they are, where to drop what form, what day it is, one guy even asked me the date Jesus died...hahahaha, these guys totally act like they aren't from this planet.
(7) The Help Me Read Team. Shout out to our elders who have difficulty reading, you are exempted from this but the young ones who forget their glasses at home, in fact your second eyes, you are the ones we are referring to. They come into the bank and keep asking you to please help them read out stuff, if it where possible they will ask you to read their finger print...lol
(8) Users: Hmmmmm God will so judge these ones, to them the bank is chilling spot, they come in just to drink water from the dispenser, or to use the toilet, to cool off with the air conditioner or to meet with someone for an appointment elsewhere. One would actually think they are there for a transaction but for where?
(9) The Hopefuls: These ones simply walk into the bank, find a sit and wait for hours for a transfer from someone, i usually ask why don't you wait till the sender informs you that payment has been mad rather than go ahead of time to wait at the bank, i know i have offered a number of persons pillows for them to sleep, seriously im just good like that...lwkmd
I hope that somehow you find yourself somewhere in this list, please correct yourself early so some of us can just come in, transact and leave, we do not have to apply the rod first now, but if the child refuses to listen, what do we do? flog am!!! . And i hope that with these few points of mine, i have been able to convince you and not confuse you that....................fill in the blank space. Shalom.
(3) The No Protocol Team: This particular sets of people never obey the first come first serve rule o, they behave as if their family owns the bank, they are those ones who are very mouthed in the bank! By the time they step into the bank, they know the names of all the cashiers and they move straight to one of them and sometimes straight to the manager, they are offered a sit and in a few minutes they are done with transactions while you are still standing in line like a mugu.....hmmmm there is chineke!!!
(4) The Bank Door Rejects: This set of people always have issues with the bank door. As soon as they get in, the door quietly says "please exit the cabin", then they start to take off every available metal on their bodies, their keys, belts, phones, piercings, if possible their blood, but yet the voice prompt keeps saying same thing "please exit the cabin", i can almost recall a voice prompt screaming at a customer "will you get out of that cabin"?...we usually advice people in this category to come to the bank naked next time hahaha
(5) The Slip Waters: These ones can waste bank slips for Africa, filling withdrawal slip or deposit slip becomes exam for them, they usually use at least two or more slips before getting to fill one correctly, you will see them canceling, tearing, and squeezing slips just to take another and start afresh, in fact the waste bin in the bank was created for these ones, i am very sure they where the ones in school back then that loved to ask for extra sheets in exam halls and we thought they where the over brilliant ones, meanwhile........ coughs...
(6) The Clueless Set: Nothing pisses me off the most than theses clueless folks, OMG!!!! they never know the date, what branch of bank they are, where to drop what form, what day it is, one guy even asked me the date Jesus died...hahahaha, these guys totally act like they aren't from this planet.
(7) The Help Me Read Team. Shout out to our elders who have difficulty reading, you are exempted from this but the young ones who forget their glasses at home, in fact your second eyes, you are the ones we are referring to. They come into the bank and keep asking you to please help them read out stuff, if it where possible they will ask you to read their finger print...lol
(8) Users: Hmmmmm God will so judge these ones, to them the bank is chilling spot, they come in just to drink water from the dispenser, or to use the toilet, to cool off with the air conditioner or to meet with someone for an appointment elsewhere. One would actually think they are there for a transaction but for where?
(9) The Hopefuls: These ones simply walk into the bank, find a sit and wait for hours for a transfer from someone, i usually ask why don't you wait till the sender informs you that payment has been mad rather than go ahead of time to wait at the bank, i know i have offered a number of persons pillows for them to sleep, seriously im just good like that...lwkmd
I hope that somehow you find yourself somewhere in this list, please correct yourself early so some of us can just come in, transact and leave, we do not have to apply the rod first now, but if the child refuses to listen, what do we do? flog am!!! . And i hope that with these few points of mine, i have been able to convince you and not confuse you that....................fill in the blank space. Shalom.
Lol my God laf don kill me for here.