Myself and a friend of mine Daniel where strolling one night at about 2am, it was during the last Christmas holidays so we still had alot of people on the street, we had our jerseys on, on mine was Pele's number 10 while Daniels jersey had the number 14. While we continued strolling, we took a short corner hoping to get to our destination faster but little did we know that some uncle's w. From the darkness came out four OPC members with guns and canes. They asked us where we were walking to at that time of the night, we tried explaining that we where simply taking a walk but they decided that they will have to whip us individually along with some other guys they had stopped. The worse came when they announced they will whip us each based on the number on our jersey or cloth, i looked and for the first time hated the number on my jersey, the whipped me ten hot strokes that night, Daniel was next and was whipped fourteen strokes based on the number on his jersey. While we rubbed our buttocks in pain, one other guy was already wailing before the OPC guys got to him, we asked him why he was crying like he was going to be beheaded and he said it was because of his shirt, we looked at what he wore and found the image of Goodluck Jonathan on his shirt, we replied by saying he shouldn't be crying but should be pleased he has no number on his shirt, that was when he turned back to reveal to us a writeup and number that made us cry for him
2015???!!!.......As i type this, the guy is still being whipped at that junction lol.....only God can tell what has become of his poor buttocks....lmfao.
Nice one